International Milestones

Kylie Hutchison - winner of 100 Opens caps
As with any sport, reaching the 50, 75 and 100-cap milestone is a massive achievement for any player. Here are the select groups!
Alison Hogg | 71 |
Anna Stibbs | 64 |
Anthony Coghlan | 52 |
Brett Milligan | 50 |
Byron Tibbitts | 53 |
Caroline Evans-Jones | 65 |
Chris Wall | 54 |
Christian Garland | 63 |
Clare Gregor | 59 |
Clayton Black | 55 |
Dan Mendis | 69 |
Dominic Tripp | 54 |
Ian Moody | 71 |
John Banks | 63 |
Jordan Melling | 63 |
Julia Kang | 56 |
Julie Walker | 54 |
Karl Baxter | 62 |
Keith Dunleavy | 70 |
Kris Friend | 55 |
Leah Cuthbertson | 59 |
Lesley McCallion | 54 |
Marnie Wills | 71 |
Mel Carson | 50 |
Michael Abromowitz | 57 |
Mike Roa | 64 |
Morenike Williams | 61 |
Nathan Joyce | 61 |
Nicolette Bird | 65 |
Noel Forde | 56 |
Ollie Sills | 53 |
Paul Smuts | 55 |
Richard Eccles | 52 |
Richard King | 51 |
Ruez Durrani | 56 |
Sarah Rosenburg | 55 |
Steven Cleary | 52 |
Sue-Ellen Godde | 50 |
Susannah Hudson | 72 |
Zoe Parish | 73 |
Clark Hobson | 90 |
Gregg Cropper | 88 |
Jeff Bimson | 81 |
Joelene Hughes | 88 |
Jon Lovell | 82 |
Justin Conway | 77 |
Martin Wright | 81 |
Michael Stibbs | 79 |
Ryan Miemczyk | 76 |
Samantha Phillips | 77 |
Simon Witton | 83 |
Travis Kenny | 96 |
Kylie Hutchison | 122 |
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