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Pool draw for final round of 2024/25 BUCS University Touch Championships

The pools have been drawn for the final round of the 2024/25 AICPA&CIMA BUCS University Touch Championships.

Exeter 1's two Cup wins from the opening two rounds have put them in the driving seat for the overall title. But Bath 1 have been in both Cup finals, and with Loughborough 1 having made the semi-finals then all it takes is for a result here or there to make all the difference for the chasing pack!

The first tap off is at 9am, with the Cup final tapping off at 4:30pm. Entry into Riverside Sports Complex is free, and all are welcome!

Round 3 National Draw

Cup/Plate Division

Pool A Exeter 1, Surrey 1, Edinburgh 1, Leeds 1

Pool B Bath 1, Exeter 2, Exeter 3, Durham 1

Pool C Nottingham 1, Birmingham 1, Loughborough 2, Bristol 1

Pool D Nottingham Trent 1, Loughborough 1, Manchester, Oxford 1

Bowl/Shield/Salver Division

Pool E Bath 2, Southampton, Bath 3, York

Pool F Cardiff 1, Edinburgh 2, Bristol 2, RVC

Pool G Birmingham 2, Oxford Brookes, Nottingham Trent 2, Leeds 2

Pool H Cambridge, Cardiff 2, Wolverhampton, Durham 2

Pool I Loughborough 3, Oxford 2, Surrey 2, Exeter 4

CLICK HERE to see the full schedule

We are England Touch

Some space. A ball. Your mates. A game
Your team. A competition. Maybe a trophy or two
Work hard. Develop skills. Get selected. Represent your nation
Volunteer time. Pick up a whistle. Make a difference
This is England Touch. Pick up a ball and play!