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2024 JTC | Day 3 results

It's finals day in Vichy! Here are the live stream links and results for all the crunch matches!
8:00am M20 Test Series England 5-3 France
10:00am W20 Test Series England 12-5 France
11:00am B18 Final England 9-3 France
12:00pm G18 Final England 8-5 France
1:00pm X18 Final England 9-11 Wales
2:00pm X15 Final England 9-4 France
CLICK HERE to see the full list of live streams
Other fixtures
7:00am B18 England 15-4 Ireland
7:00am G18 England 8-0 Wales
8:00am X18 SF England 8-2 Belgium
9:00am X15 England 10-2 Wales
10:00am G18 England 12-3 France
11:00am M20 Test Series England 8-7 France
2:00pm M20 Test Series England 6-7 France