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Eastern Masters shows appetite for the game is strong

As a late convert to touch in my late 40’s the chance to push my limits at the ERDS Masters over the weekend was one that was too tempting not to take up, writes James Warrener.
I wasn’t alone as over 90 likeminded players braved the cold temperatures and threatening clouds to join a competitive and hard-fought competition.
It was a chance to get out and play after what felt like an age being locked inside peering out of the window hoping for some touch action.
The event was well subscribed and the organisers were really excited ahead of the first tap off.
Josh Bingley from the leadership group told me: “The event saw 90 men and women Masters grade players from all across the region, and Wolfpack team from West Wildcats, join together to create eight teams.
“There was a strong representation across the age groups, both male and female. We also welcomed some additions to our Women’s teams from Wildcats Regional Touch, England West and North East Raiders Touch. We would like to thank them for making the journey.”
With teams matched together on their ability and with experienced representative players coaching those competing at the level for the first time, the mix was right and made for competitive matches. There were few if any blow out scores and that showed the spirit and quality on display.
Josh added: “An excellent atmosphere and really positive attitude from all made for a very enjoyable day, so a massive thanks to everyone who attended and did their bit to make it such a success”
I can vouch for that. The tournament was run to time with firm but fair officiating which is another key element in preparing players for higher level competition. As people drifted away into the late afternoon chill there was lots of talk of setting up WhatsApp groups to keep in touch and share ideas and motivate each other to keep pushing ourselves.
“The high uptake, and very positive feedback on the day, from players means we will be looking to run another Masters tournament in the near future so keep your eye out for details and get signed up so we can do it all over again!” said Josh.
I think we can all agree on that.