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ETA seeks new Chair and other Director roles at forthcoming AGM

The England Touch Association (ETA) is seeking candidates to fill several positions at the upcoming Annual General Meeting on Sunday, March 6th, 2022, including the role of Chair.
Mark Croston’s appointment as Chair of the Federation of International Touch means that he will be reluctantly stepping down at the ETA’s AGM. It brings an end to a term in office which will pass the four-year mark during which time we have seen the ETA go from strength-to-strength and overcome the challenges posed by an unprecedented global pandemic.
In those pre-pandemic days, the ETA consolidated its reputation for excellent administration by hosting several international events, notably the 2018 European Touch Championships and 2019 European Club Championships, as well as making the National Touch Series the leading group of Touch competitions in Europe.
Since emerging from lockdowns if anything the ETA is in a brighter position, with club affiliations up 55% and individual memberships up 12% compared to 2019, and partnerships confirmed with the Rugby Football League as well as several progressive-minded professional clubs, companies, and charities.
Croston will remain part of the Touch family with FIT, and will focus his remaining time with the ETA on the launch of the organisation’s 2020s Vision and handover to the new chair.
ETA Chief Executive Chris Simon says that the next Chair will have a hard act to follow.
“Mark has been a very engaged Chair who has taken time to fully understand our sport over the last four years,” he said. “He brought ideas and innovations which have challenged ‘the traditional way’ of doing things and has demanded the highest standards in a way which empathises with our status as a largely volunteer organisation, which is what you want from an inclusive leader.
“We have a strong Board which has been led in a collegiate manner, and while the next Chair has a hard act to follow, they will also be coming into an organisation which is in a very positive position.”
CLICK HERE to download a full role description for the Chair
Other departees from the Board are Non-Executive Director Jason Harborow and Finance Director, Geoff Howes.
Harborow has been with the ETA for just over two years and helped develop an enviable suite of events during very challenging times.
Howes has steered the ETA finances through the pandemic, helping to ensure the organisation has remained in a secure financial position.
“I’d like to thank both Jason and Geoff for their contributions over the last two and half years,” Simon added. “The ETA wouldn’t have been able to achieve everything we have without their involvement and for this we are extremely grateful.”
CLICK HERE to download a full role description for the Non-Executive Director
CLICK HERE to download a full role description for the Finance Director
Applications for all three roles closes on Friday, February 25th, 2022. The Chair role will be elected during the AGM on March 6th whilst other positions will be appointed by the Board.
All applications will be appraised by the Rewards, Remunerations and Appointments Committee to assess suitability against the role’s criteria.
Applications and any specific questions should be emailed to