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Cropper leaving England Touch Association

The England Touch Association (ETA) has today announced that Gregg Cropper has left the organisation following the unfortunate redundancy of the post of Chief Operating Officer.
With COVID-19 hitting us all hard, it was necessary to revisit the management structure to ensure the organisation was more resilient and robust going into the post-pandemic era.
Cropper has been an important figure in helping to make the ETA the leading National Touch Association in Europe and one of the drivers of the sport on a global basis. First as volunteer, then consultant and employee, he has taken a lead role in helping the organisation to develop both on and off the field. He has also been a familiar face on the field himself, representing England at many international tournaments over the years.
Chief Executive Chris Simon paid tribute to Cropper’s time, dedication and commitment over the years:
“I don’t think that anyone can overstate Gregg’s role in helping to get the ETA to the place where we had got to before the pandemic struck,” he commented. “Most of this was as a volunteer, with his latter role as Chief Operating Officer, the first paid role with the ETA and in the northern hemisphere.
“We’re grateful for all his time and effort he has given to the sport and what he has contributed to the organisation, and we’d like to wish him all the best for the future.”
ETA Chair, Mark Croston added:
“On behalf of everyone involved in the sport in England, our best wishes for the future and thank you.”