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North East Raiders Development Session March 2017

The second of two player development sessions was held in Wetherby last weekend, delivered by Lesley McCallion, North East Regional Lead.
A fantastic 30 people registered for the session, a mix of newbies and experienced players from new and established clubs around the region. The focus was to improve fundamental skills though drills and modified games that players could take back to their own clubs.
Touch participation is steadily increasing in the North East with new touch clubs, O2 Touch and Play Touch Rugby League centres popping up throughout the region. The aim of North East Raiders is not only to develop players and referees but also to help establish links between clubs, share resources and improve the way that Touch is played. The introduction of the Northern Touch Cup, held at the home of Percy Park Pirates Touch, has given clubs in the region a fantastic playing, refereeing and socialising opportunity which will only encourage more players into Touch.
Next up for Raiders will be open trials, when they will start building towards the Touch Nationals in August. Email Lesley McCallion for more information at