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National Schools Touch Tournament

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England Touch is proud to announce the first ever National Schools Touch Championships. This will see the first tournament specifically open to school teams coming together to battle it out for a national title. The tournament will be run over one day playing under the Federation of International Touch Rules.
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Touch has seen an immense growth in schools over the last few years which will support the development of the sport in the future and this inaugural competition will play a vital role in introducing the game to an ever increasing number of young people throughout the country. We invite expressions of interest from all schools and further education establishments who may wish to consider entering teams.
Nottingham recently hosted the Junior Touch Championships, with England, France, Ireland, Scotland, Middle East and Wales all sending representative teams, plus a European Select team too. The time is now right for a high quality schools tournament to be added to the calendar too. Touch has seen an immense growth in schools over the last few years which will support the development of the sport in the future and this competition will play a vital role in introducing the game to an ever increasing number of young people throughout the continent.
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Boys (18’s, 15’s, U13’s)
Mixed (18’s, 15’s, U13’s)
Primary Mixed
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[av_textblock size='' font_color='' color='']
Saturday October 1st
[av_heading tag='h4' padding='0' heading='Entry' color='' style='' custom_font='' size='' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' custom_class=''][/av_heading]
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Enter here (all entries to be completed by 23rd September)[/av_textblock]
[av_heading tag='h4' padding='0' heading='Venue' color='' style='' custom_font='' size='' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' custom_class=''][/av_heading]
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Simon Langton Grammar School, Canterbury, CT47AS
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1 Team - £30
2 Teams - £55
3 Teams - £80
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