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Membership Update | 2017 Refresh

Following careful consideration and taking on board members' feedback, we are making a few changes to the membership and affiliation scheme and fees for 2017.
Membership is vital in ensuring that we can continue to positively contribute to the growth of our sport. This scheme provides England Touch with a reliable and sustainable revenue stream that allows us to cover corporate and operational costs. Whilst there are no significant changes for 2017, we are making some minor adjustments that will take effect from 1 Jan 2017.
Please follow this link for full details of the membership refresh.
In summary, we are making the following changes:
Price changes- Individuals: Introduction of deeper discount for students under 18
- Affiliate individuals: Introduction of new £1 membership category for UTS and Regional DTS participants, and optionally for casual players, parents/guardians and fans/supporters - helping us to connect with a broader demographic
- School clubs: Removal of current £80 fee to encourage further participation from schools around the country
- Full clubs: Replacement of current tiered pricing structure (starting at £125) with flat-rate fee of £150
- Leagues: No change. (We are looking into the possibility of offering a reduced fee option for leagues with their own insurance cover already in place. To be confirmed before renewals are due.)
- Events: Reduction of current £20 fee per team to £10 per team
- Individuals (Full): Membership requirements will be extended to National DTS and MWTC participants to aid our ability to communicate with broader player base
- Clubs (Full): Simplified player reporting requirements, moving to annual declaration of membership totals rather than full player details. Additional benefits will be added including provision of a referee top and access to participation in a L1 refereeing course. Optional extra ‘starter packs’ will also be available.
- Clubs (O2 Touch): O2 Touch clubs will need to directly register their membership with the ETA (at no cost) to participate in Regional DTS events
- Leagues: League operators will be able to run one-off events under their existing affiliations, introducing parity with affiliated clubs which already have this benefit
- Events: Pre-payment will be required to allow England Touch to promote the event in advance, bringing additional value to the organiser and avoiding post-event payment defaults.
We will also fully migrate all membership registration, payment, and administration functions to a new technology platform that we have already introduced for some membership categories. This will permit members and affiliates to login and manage their own records.
Existing members need do nothing until your current membership expires - we will be in touch a few weeks in advance of your renewal date with further details on renewing your membership.
Any questions can be addressed to