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HP Update | 2017 Squads

Please find below, information in response to FAQs we have recently received around the 2017 squads:
► The priority for the high performance (HP) team for 2017 will be opens permit (EFT Premiership) and junior (JTC) campaigns. All other national squads will be operating at arm's length from the core HP programme.
► In terms of squads and selection
- The team of elite coaches and selectors finalised the the England opens permit training squads for 2017 back in early November. Selected players were notified via email and squad lists are here:
- While the Men's and Women's opens national training squads have already started training, a formal announcement will take place shortly to confirm Men's Open, Mixed Open and Women's Open squad lists.
- The junior coaching and management team is going to be recruited/reappointed in the coming month, and we will have more information on plans for the 2017 Junior Touch Championships in the New Year. There will likely be Boy's 18, Girl's 18s, Mixed 15s and Mixed 18s divisions. More information is available on the website:
- Seniors national training squads (Men's 30s, Mixed Senior and Women's 27s) will hopefully be confirmed prior to the New Year, with masters national squads (Men's 35s, Men's 40s and Men's 45s) finalised some time in Q1 2017.
Remember to put 2017 Touch Nationals in your diary. It is the late August long-weekend (and it will be fixed to this date annually). There are plans being formulated for separate tournament for masters division.