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Warwick Takes Tips From The Top

Last Autumn Warwick member Claire Rylance completed an England Touch survey, as a result of this she was the lucky entrant to win a coaching session from a top England coach for the club.
Saturday April 5th saw the club receiving their coaching from Tim Osborne (Head of Elite Performance and Women’s Open Coach) at their base at Old Leams RFC.
.The Warwick members and friends from Wellsborne Ladies Touch were put through their paces with a range of skills and drills during the 3 hour session. The damp conditions lending themselves perfectly for everyone’s favourite skill of the session…. diving!
There were some top dives on display which hopefully will be recreated over the summer in both the upcoming O2 Touch League and CTS tournaments.
And of course the session was completed with a game to put those new skills into practice. The day was a great success with everyone learning something to take forwards into their play in the future. Huge thanks to Tim for and putting together a great session!
Top touch continues with Warwick Touch:The O2 Touch League is now underway on Mondays at Old Leams RFC from 6.30pm, and Touch in the Park is back with Jack on Saturday mornings………..there’s no excuse not to get involved!