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Interest from all clubs – old and new - regarding the 2014 XBlades NTS / SPORTTAPE CTS season has been fantastic and we are looking forward to a great year of competition through to the Euros and beyond. There has already been so much Touch taking place in recent weeks, despite the weather, be it training, junior events or winter comps that we are expecting a high standard from the first tap off in April.
Linked is the information from our first NTS / CTS hosts – Nottingham Touch. They have been working hard to ensure we have a great start to the National season and we are expecting a great response from clubs. One issue that relates to the cost has been the difficulty of securing pitches following the weather this winter. With fixtures from all sports backing up the cost of pitch hire and markings has gone up and the price for the tournament reflects this.
You can enter using the following online form (n.b. entry is only confirmed on receipt of the tournament fees) – Click Here - remember the following;
- ALL Clubs must be affiliated through ETA – more info -
- ALL Clubs must provide one Player Ref
- Entry is through Nottingham Touch, who will operate a waiting list should there be an oversubscribed CTS. We have originally worked on a maximum of 12 CTS teams but if confirmed team responses warrant it we will expand this to 16 teams. Places will only be confirmed following payment and is on a first come first served basis.
- Reserved entry for the following clubs into the SPORTTAPE CTS is until 11.59pm Monday 3rd March 2014 after which any unfilled places will be offered to the next club on the waiting list (Custard Jägers, Wigan Warriors 2, Portsmouth Destroyers, Nottingham Hoods 2, Galaxy 3, England u18s)