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'Team England’ elite training - Camp 2

Over the valentines weekend, all 9 elite squads headed down to Reading, as part of their ongoing Euros 2014 campaign, embracing their love for Touch!
After a lot of rain, last minute logistical changes (nightmares) and eleventh hour schedule alterations, the training camp went without a hitch... the sun even came out, too!
Split over 3 sites, the 9 squads were put through their paces by the medical team via fitness testing (yoyo and glycolytic agility) along with a hard weekends training by their respective coaches.
With the Opens doing their testing indoors, the senior squads moved to the outdoor astro to be put through their paces.
Drills, skills and honing the fundamentals were key for this weekend, as the teams slowly build momentum towards their main target of retaining their European Champions title, in August.
Practice games were held between relevant teams too, whilst they tried out their new systems of play.
They also found time for a bit of team bonding fun, too!