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2014 AGM & OGM minutes

On behalf of the ETA, I would like to thank all those who came along to this years meeting, it was great to have so many people there and I hope it gave you an insight as to what goes on in the association and how we are growing year upon year.
At 10.00am on Saturday 6th December, we held the 2014 England Touch AGM, were all members (that contribute financially to the ETA, i.e. clubs, leagues) of the ETA were invited to send one representative to attend and participate in the meeting.
This years meeting was held at Twickenham, in the hope to raise it's profile and to give something back to our members. With 28 people in attendance, we had a wide and diverse range of members, each with their ideas on how things currently run. After the opening speeches and reports, it was evident that the majority of our members are unaware of the amount of work that goes on behind the scenes and by so few volunteers. This is something that the ETA will look to address further in terms of further member engagement.
Over the course of the day, lots of discussions were had and it was felt that the meeting was very successful and productive.
Please take a look at the 2014 AGM OGM Minutes - v1.0 here.
For more information, check out our 2014 Annual Report:
Please click here to view online (not mobile compatible)
Please click here to download
Gregg Cropper
ETA President