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Hosting a Touch Series Event in 2014

After lengthy discussions weighing up the ‘pros and cons’ of combining the NTS and CTS events, it has been decided that in 2014, this will happen.
The main benefits being that it will:
- Free up 4 weekends in the already busy Touch calendar
- Bring together the 2 events, allowing economies of scale
- Aid in the logistics for teams to travel
- Allow pooling of referee resources from within the UK and Europe
- Provide a platform for which the CTS teams can watch the country’s premier clubs and pick up tips
- Give Regional and National coaches an opportunity to see new and emerging talent
The benefits of the nomination process are that it:
- Guarantees that all members get an equal opportunity to host an event (this may have be on alternate years),
- Allows a fair geographical spread of events across the country, which will:
- Help raise the sports profile in certain areas
- Spread the travel distances evenly
We are inviting our affiliated club members, to nominate their club to host one of the events listed below:
- April 12th Round 1
- May 24th/25th Round 2 & 3 (Double Header)
- June 21st Round 4
- July 12th FINALS - Ran by the ETA
The dates have been set, in the hope that hosts, players, coaches and referees can plan their 2014 calendar much earlier.
To be considered for hosting an event, you must:- Be affiliated to the ETA as a club member
- Have no outstanding debts to the ETA
- Meet all the hosting criteria which are detailed in the form> Host venue requirements v2014.1
- Complete and return the form > Nomination to host Touch Series Event v2014.1
All events will be fully supported by the ETA. Help and guidance will be on hand to assist in the planning and running of events.
Nomination to host
Hosts will be decided by a panel following the nomination process, taking into consideration host club/venue, commitment to a development event, success of previous events and geographic location.
It is an advantage to clubs looking to host, if they have previously ran other Touch events in England.
To nominate to host Touch Series event for the forthcoming 2014 season, please complete the attached form and email it back to by Monday 23rd September 2013. The ETA will aim to announce venues by mid October 2013.
Changes to the 2014 series
Following feedback from teams, players, clubs and also internal discussions and deliberation, there will be some changes/improvements implemented for the 2014 season. Further info on this will be sent out once finalised.
Any questions with the process please get in contact