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England U18 Mixed Touch Trial

England are looking to enter a strong mixed U18s team in to the 2014 European Touch Championships, in Swansea. With this in mind we are holding a 2nd trial for all those who weren't able to attend the Open Trials.
Sunday 6th October
Reading Blue Coat School,
Sonning Lane,
Registrations and photos will be completed in the main school sports hall, which is located behind the main school car park. Signs on the day will be displayed to direct you appropriately. Male and Female changing/showering facilities will also be provided in the main school sports hall.
All male and female players 18 or under on December 31st 2013
n.b. You are still eligible to play if you turn 19 between 1st January and July 31st 2014.Kit:
Please bring a white and black top to play in and moulded boots. No metal studs.
£5.00 per person
Please fill in the following on-line form, this info will be sent to head U18s coach: Registration FormSchedule:
09:00 - 09.30 Arrival/Registration (numbers on shirts, photos etc)
09:30 - 10.50 Introduction, Warm-up and splitting into groups for skills/drills.
10:50 - 11.15 Food/drink break
11.15 - 12.30 Mini trials
12:30 Wrap-up
Contact for queries:, keep an eye out for more info in the coming weeks on here and on our social media sites.