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Touch Series Finals 2013

Play started at 9:50 at the National Touch Series (NTS) and Challenge Touch Series (CTS) Finals 2013, but the Elite 8 kicked proceedings off at 10:25 on Pitch 1. The Elite 8 are made up of the top half of the NTS league, the Super 8 holding the rest of the teams.
The tournament has four pools that play over four pitches, but we would be focusing on pitches 1 and 2 that were holding the Elite 8 matches as well as all the finals of the day’s competition.
A teams standing in the league is determined by how well you place in events such as this. The NTS had four tournaments in Nottingham, London Cambridge and Manchester while the CTS played in Reading, Newcastle, Widnes and Canterbury. Squads gathered from England, Scotland and Wales to take part in the finals.
Elite 8sPitch 1London Galaxy 6 – 2 Phoenix Touch
Touted as one of the teams to watch, London Galaxy opened their account with a strong showing against the Welsh side Phoenix Touch.

Tumeke Sports 6 – 1 Manchester Chargers
Tumeke had great team composition and proved a handful for Manchester.

London Galaxy 4 – 6 Bareback Riders
The London teams were the ones to beat, the Bareback Riders knew that and took the game to London Galaxy. Trading scores in a fairly well matched game these two teams were great to watch.

This was an energetic game with Hot Custard making use of some clever two man play to get scores and make the difference.

London Galaxy 7 – 1 Durka Touch
The Galaxy were finding there stride in the competition, which was unfortunate timing for Durka Touch.

Tumeke Sports 3 – 6 Cambridge Hornets
Cambridge were able to pull of the upset against Tumeke, perhaps this championship is more wide open than expected.

Bareback Riders 8 – 2 Durka Touch
This was Bareback Riders first game of the day, and they set down a marker for the other teams. With a potent offensive capability the Riders looked a good bet to do well.

Hot Custard 5 – 3 Cambridge Hornets
Hot Custard started the tournament well putting it on Cambridge to capture the win.

Durka Touch 3 – 5 Phoenix Touch
Phoenix Touch did their part to maintain Welsh pride picking up the win against Durka.

Cambridge Hornets 9 – 7 Manchester Chargers
Although Manchester gave their all, Cambridge gave more with many players going in for a score.

Bareback Riders 7 – 2 Phoenix Touch
The Riders continued their winning form, easing past Phoenix for an emphatic win.

Hot Custard 8 – 4 Manchester Chargers
Manchester Chargers’ games are a family affair, but even this tight unit wasn’t able to pull out the win against Hot Custard.

London Scorpions 5 – 2 Custard Jagers
Thames Valley 6 – 3 Nottingham Hoods
London Scorpions 5 – 2 Wigan Touch Warriors
Thames Valley 5 – 2 Oxford Touch
London Scorpions 7 – 3 Galaxy II
Thames Valley 5 – 5 Bristol Fijians
Pitch 4Wigan Warriors Touch 4 – 2 Galaxy II
Oxford Touch 3 – 8 Bristol Fijians
Galaxy II 3 – 3 Custard Jagers
Bristol Fijians 4 – 3 Nottingham Hoods
Wigan Touch Warriors 4 – 1 Custard Jagers
Oxford Touch 4 – 2 Nottingham Hoods
FinalsEveryone was hoping the weather forecast wasn’t going to be accurate. Heavy rain was predicted for the late afternoon which was just the time the finals were due to kick off. The knock out games started in fine conditions, but eventually that began to change.
CTS Cup Semi-final 1Thames Valley 4 – 7 Wigan Touch Warriors
Wigan team had a good mixture of young development talent as well as more experienced player. The outcome was a win for the well balanced side.

CTS Cup Semi-final 2
Canterbury Cougars 5 – 4 CSSC Wookies
These two teams enjoyed their appearance on pitch 1 & 2 during the finals. Both teams played hard in an effort to make the most of the opportunity to progress.

Portsmouth Destroyers 4 – 3 Galaxy II
CTS Plate Semi-final 2Percy Park Pirates 3 – 2 Nottingham Hoods
Elite 8 Plate Semi-final 1Phoenix Touch 6 – 3 Manchester Chargers

Tumeke Sports 3 – 2 Durka Touch

Oxford Touch 9 – 6 Custard Jagers
Super 8 Plate Semi-final 2London Galaxy II 4 – 5 Nottingham Hoods
Elite 8 Cup Semi-final 1Bareback Riders 10 – 2 Cambridge Hornets

Hot Custard 3 – 4 London Galaxy
Super 8 Cup Semi-final 1Bristol Fijians 8 – 3 Wigan Touch Warriors
Super 8 Cup Semi-final 2London Scorpions 4 – 0 Thames Valley
CTS Cup FinalWigan Touch Warriors 1 – 2 Canterbury Cougars
Super 8 Plate FinalOxford Touch 10 – 1 Nottingham Hoods
CTS Plate FinalPortsmouth Destroyers 4 – 0 Percy Park Pirates
Super 8 Cup FinalBristol Fijians 2 – 6 London Scorpions

Phoenix Touch 2 – 7 Tumeke Sports
Elite 8 Cup FinalBareback Riders 5 – 0 London Galaxy
On paper this was due to be the best game of the day. The top two teams of the top half. Although facing a London team that were fancied to win the competition, the Scottish team showed no mercy in dispatching the London Galaxy to take the Elite 8 Cup Final.

London Galaxy II 6 – 1 Wigan Touch Warriors

Despite the damp end to the day, there was some scintillating touch rugby on offer. Hopefully it’s not to long until another big touch tournament comes to town.