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Thanks to everyone involved

This has been my first year at the helm of the ETA and it's been a very busy, eventful and enjoyable year too. I'd like to extend my thanks to everyone who has assisted in us achieve our 2012 goals.
Elite SelectionWe had a new structure in place this year for our elite selection, new policies in place and a way of attracting lots of new players through the pathway. Thanks to Dante, Dave and Tom for their hard work on this.
Regional CoachesWith the new structure, this also meant a bigger workforce was required. A huge thanks to all the regional coaches, most of them player coaches, who did a sterling job in creating their franchises and coaching newbies and stalwarts alike.
National CoachesDave, Tim, Noel, Ben, Chris, Ted, Jon, Mike and Jeff. A great season for all the national coaches, taking their national team to every final available. Your work ethics and tireless work in developing your squads is a credit to you and the organisation. Building blocks for the future have been firmly set in place.
The PlayersFor doing what they do best. Playing with heart, passion and dedication. Your medals were well and truly earned and deserved.
ManagersA big thanks for all the team manager for organising, planning and chasing, to ensure their players had nothing to worry about other than their game. Special mentions to Helen and Georgia, for going above and beyond too when it was needed.
Medical TeamA whole team was interviewed and selected on pure ability and diversity this year. Led by Cari, the team had their own training sessions over the summer months, going on courses and learning new skills in preparation for the Euros. Their pre tournament advice and input was second to none, input and taping during the tournament and the hugely reduced injury rate speaks for itself. A huge thanks from all of the players for the team.
Backroom StaffUsually the people who do the most and who are left unmentioned in the speeches. All major events, like the Euros, need careful planning and budgeting for them to work, it shouldn't be underestimated how much work it involves to organise a tour for 140 people to another country. Hotels, finances, planning, chasing, implementing etc has been done behind the scenes by a small number of people. I'd personally like to thanks Marnie, Zoe, Ryan, Will, Jules and Eve for their assistance in making this, our best tour to date!
RefereesAgain, usually an area missed when it comes to thanks. A huge well done to Shelley, in all she's achieved in her first 12 months as NDR, the referee development in England has taken off dramatically, from local league referees, to the elite. Each country were requested to take 1.5 refs per team, and with England taking 8 teams, finding 12 refs was a huge ask. The only way to further develop the game, is to have higher level referees to officiate the games, so this is a very important stepping stone. Great work on your achievements!
The CommitteeThanks for all your support over the last 12 months, it's been a great year, with lots of changes and positive steps forward. Without these guys driving it forward, we wouldn't have the opportunities we have today, to play the sport we all love.
Well done again to everybody involved in the 2012 Euros campaign, European champions 2012!

Gregg Cropper
England Touch - President