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Referee update for January

Hi everyone,
Happy new year!! I hope you are all looking forward to the year ahead.
Just a quick note on a couple of thing.
ETA Referee Planner 2012:
This is now available on the ETA website and will be updated regularly so please use this planner to keep up to date with all England events. Tournaments and Touch Events requiring referees:
Touch referees are always in high demand and 2012 is looking to prove no different.
Manchester Chargers 3rd Annual Invitational Touch TournamentWhen - Saturday 25th February
Venue - William Hulme School, Manchester
Time - 9:30am start
Divisions - Mens, Womens and Mixed
Expenses - upto£50
More info: register your interest to referee at the first touch tournament of the year, please let me know as it'll be a great way to start the season. Please, or European Championships - Referee EOIs
Please contact Shelley for information about referees inviting expressions of interest to officiate at the 2012 European Touch Championships. Expressions of interest must be registered by 31st January 2012 - please do not delay in responding. If you have any questions regarding refereeing at the Euro's - please get in contact.
EFT - European Federation of Touch email | web (from spring 2012) | facebook | twitter2012 National Touch Series Dates:
- NTS 1 - May 12th
- NTS 2 - June 19th
- NTS 3 - June 30th
- NTS 4 - July 14th
2012 Challenge Touch Series Dates:
- NTS 1 - April 14th
- NTS 2 - May 19th
- NTS 3 - June 16th
- NTS 4 - July 7th
- Lilleshall - July 28th
If you haven’t had a chance to check out the news on the ETA website regarding the changes to the format of the National Touch Series (NTS) and the introduction of the Challenge Touch Series, please check it out.
We are looking for referee's for help at the following training sessions:
February 2012:
Sunday 12th February - South East London 1 & 2 Compulsory Training - Venue to be confirmed
March 2012:
Sunday 4th March - South East London 1 & 2 Compulsory Training - Venue to be confirmed
For further information contact referees are welcome to attend any of these events, we'd love to have as many of you as possible on board especially so early in the season.
Referee Courses
We are looking at holding referee courses in the following locations and we will keep you updated on dates:
- Level 1: March 2012 (venue to be confirmed) - LONDON
- Level 1: April 2012 (exact date and venue to be confirmed) - BRISTOL
- Level 1: (exact date and venue to be confirmed) - CAMBRIDGE
- Level 1: (exact date and venue to be confirmed) - NORFOLK
- Level 2: Proposed - April 2012 – BRISTOL
To register your interest in attending any of these courses, please let me know (
We also have a supply of Acme Thunderer 58.5 Whistles and wrist straps available for sale at courses, tournaments and by emailing me if you’d like one.
Let's make 2012 the referee's season, so get involved and help us to build our referee team for the year ahead.
Shelley Grace
National Director of Referees
England Touch Association DETAILS:
Please can you complete the contact details section below and reply to sender (
Alternatively, if you wish to be removed from this distribution list as it's no longer applicable, please reply in kind and out of interest we'd like to know why.Name:
Alternate Email:
Mobile Phone:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Current Referee Badge Level (if applicable):
Number of years refereeing:
Are you a full time referee or player ref?
Are you interested in refereeing at?
- Local leagues?
- Social tournaments?
- Competitive tournaments?
Do you wish to be removed from the ETA Referee´s distribution list?
If yes, why?
Thanks for taking the time to read and update the contact details section! We do appreciate it.