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Dear ETA members:
Due to a number of outstanding items from the 2011 AGM, the ETA will be holding a short SGM (special general meeting) after the Manchester Chargers tournament on Saturday 25th Feb. Venue will be The Woodstock Pub, Didsbury (M20 2DY) and time approx 17.30 (post Wales v England 6 Nations game).
Please find below links to the relevant documents and also the agenda (These have been emailed to all members prior to this web posting). Please read all docs carefully and come prepared to discuss any agenda item you are actioned against (or provide input prior to the meeting to a nominated deputy).
We will be voting on amendments to the constitution in this meeting so please remember that if you would like your vote to be used by a proxy on your behalf you MUST let me know in writing prior to the commencement of the meeting otherwise your proxy vote CANNOT be counted.AgendaConstitution v3.3Terms of Reference v1Election of Office v1Cheers
ETA Secretary