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Referees Update - February

Hi everyone,
I hope the new year is progressing well for you and you haven't given up on all your new years resolutions just yet!
Apologies to anyone who has sent an email through - the England Touch Email system decided it didn't want to play anymore. If you have sent any emails to anyone with an England Touch email address and you haven't had a response, please send the email again as they are now back up and running again. Particularly if you have sent me an email which I haven't replied, do send it again and I'll reply I promise!
Some things of interest for you all:
In2Touch Winter Season kicks off
As some of you may know, the 2012 Winter League (Season 1) gets underway very soon and are on the lookout for more referees.
League details:o Venue - King George's Park, Putney/Wandsworth (London)
o When - Games are held on SUNDAYS and the 8-WEEK season STARTS NEXT WEEKEND (season dates: 19/2, 26/2, 4/3, 11/3, 18/3, 25/3, 1/4, 8/4).
o Time - Games are held at 2pm-2:45; 2:50pm-3:35pm; and 3:40pm-4:25pm
o Divisions - Mens, Womens and Mixed
o Expenses - paid per game and a bonus if committing to the entire 8 week season
o More info: register your interest to referee the 2012 Winter League (Season 1), please let Simon at In2Touch know. Please contact:INFO@IN2TOUCH.COM,, or alternatively
If you have any queries or need any more information, please contact In2Touch on INFO@IN2TOUCH.COMManchester Chargers 3rd Annual Invitational Touch Tournament
o When - Saturday 25th February
o Venue - William Hulme School, Manchester
o Time - 9:30am start
o Divisions - Mens, Womens and Mixed
o Expenses - up to £50
o More info:
To register your interest to referee at the first touch tournament of the year, please let me know as it'll be a great way to start the season. Please contact:, or Touch Nationals Competition
o When - Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd April - 2 day competition
o Venue - Lilleshall
o Time - tba
o Divisions - Men's and Women's
o Expenses - tba
o Accommodation - tba
o More info:
To register your interest to referee at the tournament that is to be used to select the England Squad for Euro's 2012, please let me know. I'd like to encourage all referees wanting to attend the Euro's to make yourself available for this event as we will look to use this as a referee training camp as early preparation. It is looking to be a good standard as all players want selection and it will be a great way to build the referee team as it is over two days. Please contact:, London Champs (Rugby Rocks Festival)
o When -Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th May - 2 day competition
o Saturday 26th May - Mens and Women's Open
o Sunday 27th May - Mixed Social
o Venue - Rugby Rocks, Richmond
o Time - tba
o Divisions - Mens, Womens and Social Mixed
o Expenses - £50 for Saturday; £40 for Sunday (as less games) or £100 for both Saturday and Sunday
o Extras - Referees will receive - food, drink and a free ticket to the Rugby Rocks Festival
o More info:
To register your interest to referee at the In2Touch London Champs, please let Mike at In2Touch know. Please contact:INFO@IN2TOUCH.COM,, or alternatively
If you have any queries or need any more information, please contact In2Touch on INFO@IN2TOUCH.COM2012 European Championships - Referee EOIs
Please see this memo for your information to all referees inviting expressions of interest to officiate at the 2012 European Touch Championships. This has now closed, however if you are interested and you didn't get a chance to register your expression of interest, then please email me -
EFT - European Federation of Touch email | web | facebook | twitter2012 National Touch Series Dates:
- NTS 1 – May 12th
- NTS 2 – June 19th
- NTS 3 – June 30th
- NTS 4 – July 14th
2012 Challenge Touch Series Dates:
- NTS 1 – April 14th
- NTS 2 – May 19th
- NTS 3 – June 16th
- NTS 4 – July 7th
- Lilleshall – July 28th
For further information about anything listed above or seen on the ETA website, please contact All referees are welcome to attend any of these events, we'd love to have as many of you as possible on board especially so early in the season!
Referee Courses
We are looking at holding referee courses in the following locations and we will keep you updated on dates:
- Level 1: March 2012 (venue to be confirmed) – LONDON
- Level 1: April 2012 (exact date and venue to be confirmed) – BRISTOL
- Level 1: (exact date and venue to be confirmed) – CAMBRIDGE
- Level 1: (exact date and venue to be confirmed) – NORFOLK
- Level 2: Proposed – April 2012 – BRISTOL
We have permission to hold a Level 2 Referee course which is fantastic news!
This is being run by two great referees both Black Badges and I would encourage all who are looking for upgrades to Level 2 this year to attend this. There hasn't been a Level 2 for a little while and this is a great training and development opportunity. This is purposefully being held before the England Nationals Competition, all NTS dates and the Euro's.
Please read the blurb from the ETA website regarding the course:
Level Two
Ideally interested people will have attended and passed the Level 1 course before attending a Level 2 course. Also referees will need to have done a season of refereeing prior to the course. This is a full one day course and will consist of a presentation, interactive sessions, theory & practical assessment (either that day or at a later stage). Those who pass the course will receive a European Level 2 certificate and badge.
To register your interest in attending any of these courses, please let me know (
We also have a supply of Acme Thunderer 58.5 Whistles and wrist straps available for sale at courses, tournaments and by emailing me if you’d like one.
Touch Europe Kit
If anyone would like to order any European Referee kit (off-field yellow shirt and blue shorts) that is being used as uniform for all tournaments in England and in Europe. Please see the below files and send through an order form.
Touch Europe Kit DesignTouch Europe Kit Order FormSizing ChartAnd Finally
Let's make 2012 the referee's season, so get involved and help us to build our referee team for the year ahead.
Shelley Grace
National Director of Referees
Contact Details:
Please can you complete the contact details section below and reply to sender (
Alternatively, if you wish to be removed from this distribution list as it’s no longer applicable, please reply in kind and out of interest we’d like to know why.
Alternate Email:
Mobile Phone:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Current Referee Badge Level (if applicable):
Number of years refereeing:
Are you a full time referee or player ref?
Are you interested in refereeing at?
- Local leagues?
- Social tournaments?
- Competitive tournaments?
Do you wish to be removed from the ETA Referee´s distribution list?
If yes, why?
Thanks for taking the time to read and update the contact details section! We do appreciate it.