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Nationals success

Torrential downpours and a last minute venue change did little to dampen the spirits or spoil some top touch action as the first ever Nationals took place at the weekend.

Played over Saturday and Sunday, men's and women's teams from regions around the country battled it out in a round robin of play.
Competing were the North West Warriors, Midland Tigers, West Wildcats, South West Saxons, South East Taipans and South East Sharks.
Games were played over 40 minutes, and offered all the thrills and skills of top level Touch.
After a tough weekend's competition, congratulations went to the Taipans who took the Men's Nationals title with a 6:5 win over the Sharks.
In the Women's division, Sharks beat the Taipans 5:2.

See for full results.
Tournament organiser Tom Bedkowski, said: "Well done to all who took part, the competition has a great future. I'd like to thank all the teams for working with us to make the event work, particularly with the last minute venue change to Bridgnorth.
"A big thank you to Bridgnorth RFC for being so welcoming. Special mention to Ian George and Tim Thomas.
"They are now keen for Touch there and I think its a lovely location for a summer tournament next year.
"I'd also like to add a special thank you to the medical teams who worked tirelessly throughout the weekend to keep everyone safe, well and where necessary patched up."

Finally, thanks to all the referees who helped make the day run smoothly too!
Congratulations also go to other Nationals winners:
Male MVP: Martin Wright, Saxons
Female MVP: Susan Kidd, Taipans
Coach of the Tournament: Dan Mendis, Tigers (Mens)
Referee of the Tournament: Michael Bottom