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MR7s Social Touch - Round up

A wet and windy Sunday in Manchester didn't put off the die hard Touch players in this weekend's event.
6 teams battled it out against the elements to be crown MR7s social Touch Champions.
Manchester Chargers, Bareback Riders, Widnes Touch, Oakfield House, Megasaurus Northern and The Scratchies played a round robin style competition, the team with the most points after their 5 games would be crowned the winners!
Winners of the Competition, were the Bareback Riders, Team captain Eddie Sanjuan collecting the trophy below
Runners up were Widnes Touch
And the Wooden spoon prize, went to the newcomers Oakfield house...
A great day of Touch was had by all, a big thanks to the referees, helpers and pitch managers who made the day run smoothly... see you all next year!