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In memory of Lucas Von Hoff

It is with deep sadness and regret that England Touch has to announce that Lucas Von Hoff passed away in London late Saturday morning.
Lucas led the way for the development of referees in and around Europe and his tragic loss will be felt by many players, referees and organisers.
A memorial page has been set up on facebook if you want to contribute your thoughts was a great contributor to Touch in his role as FIT Director of Referees and Europe's no.1 ref. He had put a huge amount of effort into getting the Touch Europe referees ready for the Touch World Cup 2011 and the event organisers intend to formally commemorate Lucas at the event.
A transcript of the eulogy given about Lucas at evening chapel on Sunday night at Fettes College is available here: of us fortunate enough to know him will have our own memories of Lucas. Our thoughts are with his family at this time. He will be sadly missed.
RIP Lucas.