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WOW, what a week! An outstanding performance by Team England resulting in teams bringing home a gold, a silver and a bronze medal. This is an amazing achievement and a testament to the commitment and months of preparation by everyone involved!
England Touch would also like to thank, in no particular order, all those who helped make the England World Cup squad the most successful ever. All the team managers for help in all the admin, the team of physiotherapists for their early starts and late finishes, the High Performance team for their commitment in the build up to the tournament, the players, the referees, the committee and ˜behind the scenes™ people and to each of the coaches of our eight teams, without who we would not have achieved what we have!
The inspirational video that got the teams revved up can be seen here: GO team England - England's TWC 2011 specific results.
MO - ranked 7th
Jean Schutte. 14 scores and 11 MVP's.
WO - ranked 4th
Marnie Wills /Mel Carson 8 scores each. Anna Stibbs 9 MVP's.
MXO - ranked 5th
Kris Friend 14 scores. Ryan Miemczyk 10 MVP's.
M30 - ranked 2nd - Silver Medal
Steve Cleary 11 scores. Justin Conway 9 MVP's.
W30 - ranked 1st - Gold medal
Sam Hughes, Lowena Sandercock, Linda Tamakaha 3 scores. Taryn Pile 8 MVP's.
MX30 - ranked 4th
Martin Wright 14 scores (top scorer in the whole category), Colin Hulett 10 MVP's.
Colin Hulett 2nd, Martin Wright 3rd MVP's of whole category.
M35 - ranked 3rd - Bronze medal. See write up here.
Nathan Joyce 9 scores, Nicholas Laurence/Marshall Broome 7 MVP's.
M40 - ranked 6th
Ian Moody 7 scores. Jeff Bimson 12 MVP's.
Opens Category:

Senior Category: