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North East Touch Events

Percy Park Pirates are running a Touch event, find all the details you need below.
Mixed 30s Comp
When: Saturday 1st October 2011 : 10.30am Registration
Where: Percy Park RFC, North Shields, NE30 2BS
Cost: £80 per team with Ref, £100 per team without Ref
Contact: Lesley Mc : 07816 220167
(4:2 ratio, bonus points for playing 3:3)
Click here for Flyer: Newcastle_MX30 2011Entry Form: SeniorMixed2011 Entry FormFor the event:
¢ Camping on-site (toilet/shower facilities available) @ £5 per person
¢ Bar, BBQ, Facilities open throughout the day
¢ Please forward on to anyone you think might be interested.