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England Touch would like to confirm the date for the AGM and OGM as Sunday 5th December 2010. The host venue will be that of our affiliated club “ Oxford Touch: Gosford All Blacks RFC., Stratfield Brake, Freize Way, Kidlington, Oxfordshire, OX5 1UP.
It would be good to see many of you there to participate and get involved in everything that we are doing.
All 'members' are eligible to participate. In this case we are talking about financial 'members' - so each league, venue or club can nominate one representative or committee member to attend on its behalf. Confirmation of attendance should be sent to
During the AGM elections will be held for all positions on the Executive Committee. The positions up for election: President, Vice President, Finance Director, Statutory Director & Technical Director.
People wishing to stand for one of executive positions should contact by Sunday 21st November (Two weeks before the AGM). Any nominations would need to be seconded by another member.
Only if no nominations have been received in advance of the AGM will they be accepted from the floor during the meeting.
If there is anything that you would like to raise or discuss in the AGM, please e-mail Tom Bedkowski ( by the 21st of November for inclusion on the agenda. Players are welcome and but should contact Tom in advance. They would not be eligible to vote.
The agenda will be sent out to all members prior to the meeting.