Emma Knott, head physiotherapist for the ETA is heading to the #Glasgow2014 Commonwealth Games, the week prior to this years European Championships.Based at Hampden Park, the athletics stadium. The role of Physiotherapist at Glasgow 2014 will be to provide assessment and treatment of both athletes and Games officials who may present with either acute or chronic sports related i ...

Highlights from the 2013 Home Nations
Setanta Sports (Ireland) broadcast the highlights of the Home Nations Championships in 2013.Take a look at some of the highlights of the tournament, where England where crowned champions in both the open and senior categories.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JF4m7nNr3go&feature=youtu.be Related posts:http://www.englandtouch.org.uk/index.php/2013/06/home-nations-champio ...

Junior Touch Camp at Maidenhead RFC
The first Junior Touch Camp at Maidenhead RFC took place over the February half term holidays and was a great success with players and coaches alike having a great time playing mini tournaments, fun games and developing their handling skills, lines of running and agility...As a special surprise, they were joined by the London Irish 1st XV who were playing on the pitch next to t ...

Europe’s Biggest Mixed Division Club Competition
If proof was needed that Touch is an exploding sport across the UK, the fifth annual Manchester Touch Championships was it.24 teams made their way from all four corners of the country to William Hulme Grammar School, to firstly pitch their tent and secondly try and stake their claim to a piece of silverware.Hosted by Manchester Chargers, this year’s competition was the biggest ...

With the growth of Touch across the country and the new U18 development squad recently announced, England Touch is taking the next steps to develop a Schools Touch programme and we need your help. Touch is an ideal school sport, with minimal contact year groups and boys and girls can be mixed. In addition, no specialist equipment is required, just a ball, making it so simple to ...

Interest from all clubs – old and new - regarding the 2014 XBlades NTS / SPORTTAPE CTS season has been fantastic and we are looking forward to a great year of competition through to the Euros and beyond. There has already been so much Touch taking place in recent weeks, despite the weather, be it training, junior events or winter comps that we are expecting a high standard from ...

'Team England’ elite training - Camp 2
Over the valentines weekend, all 9 elite squads headed down to Reading, as part of their ongoing Euros 2014 campaign, embracing their love for Touch!After a lot of rain, last minute logistical changes (nightmares) and eleventh hour schedule alterations, the training camp went without a hitch... the sun even came out, too!Split over 3 sites, the 9 squads were put through their p ...

Women's Development Tournament
Come along and join our women's development tournament, aimed to bring on your skills.Name: The Spring ChickWhen: Sat 29th March 10:00 - 16:00. Registration at 9:30Where: Chippenham RFCTeam entry cost: £125 which includes post-tournament foodEntry closing date: Friday 7th MarchTo enter a team, please email jen.palmer@bristol.ac.ukEntry forms will be sent once email has been rec ...

Manchester first to kick off the 2014 season
Due to popular demand, Manchester will once again be running their 5th Annual Touch Tournament.When: Saturday 22nd February 2014Where: William Hulme School, ManchesterTime: 9:30 StartFormat: Mens, Womens and Social MixedCost: £150Entry Form: CLOSEDFor any more information at this stage, please email fullychargedevents@hotmail.co.uk Download your Information Pack with all t ...

University Touch Tournament
When: 15th MarchWhere: University of BathCost: TBCFormat: MixedEntry link: http://bit.do/unitouch ...
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