SuperNanas are Series Winners!The England W30s team capped off an eventful year with a gold medal in the Series Final against Scotland W30s at the TWC 2011, coming back from a nerve-wracking 0-0 first half, to win 3-0.The squad, comprising a vast range of experiences, from seasoned England regulars to those who had never played a competitive game of Touch before the trials in S ...

Bath NTS - Entries Now Open
Entries for the Bath NTS (August 6th) are now open! Details below.Cost: £160 per teamVenue: Stothert & Pitt RFC, Adamsfield, Bath Road, Corston, Bath, BA2 9AACamping: £2 per person payable in advanceEntry includes: our world famous hog roast at the completion of the tournament.After tournament party: to be held at Revolutions in Bath city centre.Referees: will be paid £40.A ...

Europes First World Cup Final and Silver Medal
Men's 30's - Silver MedalIt is hard to pinpoint when exactly the planning started for a World Cup Final berth and silver medal, but it is easy to remember when it became a reality - Sunday 26th June 11am when we lined up next to Australia on pitch one, with national anthems blaring out followed by the whistle blow starting the Mens 30s final. We were here, we had made it, and w ...

Men's 35 - World Cup Bronze Medal!
England Men's 35s is a team of many diverse talents. Unfortunately not all of them are related to the game of Touch Rugby. However, what the team lacks in relevant talent it more than makes up for it in unity.Although momentum had been building since the Euros last year, the World Cup campaign started in earnest back in February when a training squad of 22 was reduced to 16 goo ...

WOW, what a week! An outstanding performance by Team England resulting in teams bringing home a gold, a silver and a bronze medal. This is an amazing achievement and a testament to the commitment and months of preparation by everyone involved!England Touch would also like to thank, in no particular order, all those who helped make the England World Cup squad the most successful ...

Thames Valley NTS – Entries now open
Cost: £160 per teamVenue: Berkshire County Sports Ground, Sonning Lane, Sonning, Reading, RG4 6STEntry includes: team lunches and free sports massage.Referees: will be paid £40.After party: Held in Reading - venue tbc.To enter please email Will Ten Broeke - ...

ETA President moves to Pastures New
Dear Members, Players, Coaches and Referees,It is my pleasure as President to congratulate all those who participated in the Touch World Cup 2011 that was held in Edinburgh. It was an outstanding performance by Team England resulting in three teams bringing home a gold, a silver and a bronze medal, these alongside the performances of the other five teams saw that overall Englan ...
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